Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Random things...

Well I'm barely into the Writer's Campaign and all I can think is wow! I am overwhelmed with the sheer awesomeness of creative, funny, and inspirational blogs out there. I'm having a blast meeting everybody.

I'm also loving Google Reader. Very very much.

So there's the fun little blogger game going around where you post 10 random facts about yourself. It's a fun way for the Campaigners to get to know each other. If you want to play too, post a link to your blog in the comments.

1. I was nearly born on a Friday the 13th.

2. I once was legally blind (2 corneal transplants changed that).

3. I'm extremely shy (until I get to know you and then I have trouble shutting up).

4. I'm not a big fan of ketchup, mustard, tomatoes, or cheese--yes I eat boring hamburgers.

5. Despite having a former airplane mechanic for a father, I am afraid to fly. Yeah, I'll do it when I have to, but it usually requires a Xanax or a trip to the bar before takeoff.

6. I've always wanted to go to Iceland. (I will need lots of Xanax for that flight).

7. The only other dream job I've ever wanted (besides writer) is to be a Meteorologist.

8. I hate making phone calls. If I have to make a doctor's appointment, I'd rather to drive down the road and make it in person (I really don't do this, but I've given it some serious consideration before - yeah I'm a freak sometimes!).

9. I met my husband online in 1995..long before it was cool. We met on something called Prodigy (think caveman version of Facebook).

10. Not a big sports fan - except for baseball. Baseball is slow, easy for me to follow...unlike hockey which gives me heart palpitations.


  1. LOL...I hate flying as well. Went to Hawaii in March (12 hours from NJ) and used up about half a bottle of Xanax in the process. My son likes telling everyone that "We went on 7 planes!" However, would do it again in a heartbeat. Amazing place...and nothing like NJ. ;)

  2. If you'd been on born on a Friday the 13, does that mean you would have had creepy powers? LOL Nice. For me, flying is painful. My eardrums hurt! Worse than anyone else in my family.

  3. I actually have no problem flying - but only if I sit in the A seat lol. Just that tiny extra bit of space is enough to calm me down haha.

    Nice to meet you - I did a 10 things list too over here if you're interested.

    This campaign will be fun!

  4. I would totally be a meteorologist. In Nebraska, the weather will change in a few hours from 90 degrees to 50 and storming (like today). You could be totally wrong in the morning and then just say "wait for it....." . That's job security.

  5. Lol - number 9..I used to be a customer service representative for the Prodigy help line. If I couldn't write I'd be a research person. Agree with the flying - don't much like one bit. Fun post. :)

  6. Hi Carrie, It's nice to meet you through the Campaign. Thanks for stopping by my blog. LOL about the caveman version of FB :-)

  7. I hate flying, too! Most of us seem to be in the same boat on that one.

    For some reason anti-anxiety meds never worked on me. I've tried so many things to help curb the anxiety and finally settled with muscle relaxers. Who knew?

    Btw, I'm in your YA group. *waves* Nice to meet you!

  8. So glad I'm not alone on the flying thing!!! :) And that others know what I'm talking about when I say Prodigy. Nice to meet everybody!

    Sonia - Don't know but creepy powers would be fun (and it was the 13th somewhere in the world when I was born...)

    Julie - We have that same "shorts to winter coat in 24 hours" weather here in Minnesota too so I know exactly what you're saying...honestly I think I just wanted to be on TV and point at the map.

  9. Ditto # 4! My mother went to Iceland and she loved it, stock up on the Xanex!
    I am in your campaign group YA # 13, I think! Looking forward to getting to know you!

  10. I'm so with you on hating to make phone calls! It has gotten better now that I have to answer the phone at the community college where I work.

    I'm still trying to get around to meet all of the campaigners. Thank's for posting on my blog; I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!

  11. Hi Carrie- I am so with you on the flying thing, oh and the shy thing too, but I only take the drugs for the former ;)
    Look forward to seeing you around the campaign!

  12. Meteorologist? Seriously? I wanted to go to college for that FOREVER. Then I found out how much math (especially calculus) that involves. I'm not terrible at math, but calc destroys me. And anything that builds on calc destroys me too. meteorology job for me. Although I did take an intro class on it in college just for fun. =)

  13. I hate making phone calls too! I will let messages pile up and then give them to someone else at work to return! Horrible!

  14. Hi everybody - thanks for stopping by!

    Coleen - nice to meet another shy and afraid to fly person :)

    Quidforquill - I am terrible at math (which is why I'm not a meteorologist). Very disappointing...

    Bethany - I would probably too, but luckily I don't have to deal with phone calls for my job...unless my computer breaks and I have to call IT (oooh that's bad enough!)

  15. Phone calls are the bane of everyone's existence! Curse you Alexander Graham Bell!
