Sunday, September 18, 2011

Apology and Award

So this past week I've been a bad writer, blogger, campaigner, critique partner, beta reader, friend, wife, mother, magic bean name it.

Before I get any further I'll get my excuses out of the way...

1. My partner in crime at the day job is on vacation. So I had my job, and her job, and a few extra people I trained in this past week. Add a long commute into the office (I usually work from home) and it was buuuusssssyyyyyy.

2. My youngest daughter's school decided to throw in an extra teacher just a mere 5 days into the school year. This meant a class change, lots of tears, lots of worries, and extra time and attention to ensure she wasn't scarred for life.

3. I have not been feeling up to my usual energetic Tigger-riffic self. A few years ago I was diagnosed with this crappy super-sucky disease that makes you hurt all over known as Fibromyalgia. And while for the most part I can keep the pain at bay with diet, exercise, advil, and wine, I find I am not immune to the weather. And here in Minnesota, where we've gone from a humid 90 degrees to a brisk 30 with lots of sunshine, a little rain, and the occasional snowflake (okay well maybe not snow...yet) my body has responded with an achy protest that leaves me wanting to bury myself under the covers and not come out until October.

So yeah, it's been a bad blogging week.

And I'm sorry.

And now on to more exciting things... While catching up on my blog reading, I discovered that Jenn over at A Single Bell awarded me The Versatile Blogger award (which is super sweet of her considering how un-versatile my blog has been this past week!)

Anywho...the rules are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this Award along to 15 recently discovered blogs and let them know about it.

So up first thank you Jenn! I've never received a blog award before! :) So please, all my followers, go follow this wonderful brilliant generous fellow writer at A Single Bell.

As for step #2, since I already shared 10 thing about myself, I thought I'd steal from Jenn by sharing 7 things about my writing and WIPs instead. So here it goes...

1. The first book I ever remember writing (circa age 7) was about a calico kitty named Priscilla who ran away from home.
2. The first novel I wrote as an adult was a category romance. I 'thought' that was what I wanted to write, but since the day I thought I'd give YA a try, I haven't looked back.
3. I write first drafts on the couch or in bed with the TV on, music playing, and kids screaming. I re-write and edit at my desk in a quiet room with the door shut.
4. My current 20000 first draft WIP is a YA dystopian/sci-fi combo with romance, time travel, and a lot of misspelled words.
5. The name of my current protagonist in my WIP has changed 3x already. She has been Katie, Hannah, and Summer. And her name will most likely change again. I'm starting to confuse myself...I may just start calling her Girl until I can settle on something.
6. My next WIP I would like to write is a middle grade that involves 2 sisters, a frog, and a window.
7. I once was a legal secretary. You would think that would help me. Um, nope. Me and commas...not on good terms.

And on to #3... I'm about to be a HUGE rule breaker (maybe I should call this post Apology...Awards...Apology), but choosing among so many awesome blogs is impossible.

So without further ado, I bequeath this award....
Okay so I know that's way more than 15. I also know many of you already have won this award. But if you haven't, I would love the honor to pass it on. Thank you all for your wonderful posts. They've informed me, inspired me, moved me to tears, or gave me a laugh (and I love to laugh). I enjoy blog reading (apparently more than blog writing).

Happy Writing!


  1. No need to say sorry! Sounds like life has been hectic. I hope the upcoming days bring you a little more peace.

  2. Don't worry about being a good blogger. It sounds like you've had a heck of a time lately, good luck bringing all the madness to balance. (And thanks for the award!)

  3. Okay Carrie, not to add to your burden, but I'd like to nominate you for the Liebster Award. Its not quite as daunting as the others and its alright if you can't get to it for awhile. Like you, I had never received an award before last week and then BOOM! Lol! My link is: I'll have your name posted as soon as I get all five. I'm so glad to meet another person who loves to laugh and also loves butterflies! ; )

  4. Carrie. You may never ever call yourself a bad CP or beta reader ever again. (Did I just sound like Lola from Charlie and Lola? Why yes, yes I did. Can't be helped my three yr old has been watching the DVD's for DAYS!!!) Seriously, you have been the best thing to happen to my writing in a long while, and I am beyond grateful for your insight and valuable critiques!

    Life for Wrahms is a long road of ups and downs, with there being a lot more downs than ups. This past week has proved that for the both of us!

    And thank you for the wonderful award, I am beyond flattered!!! So I'm sending you a virtual massage for all your aches and pains, and prayers that you feel better soon!

    P.S. YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!!! (Can't say that enough) (Ok, I'm done with the gratuitous flattery, I promise...well maybe)

  5. Thanks everybody!

    Thank you for the new award Sheri! I will get too it soon (I hope) :) Glad to meet a fellow butterfly lover!

    Thanks're too sweet :)

  6. Carrie,
    Life happens, you know! I don't think you should apologize for anything!

    I am a very late Campaigner in the Beginning Blogger group, so I cannot point any fingers! It is lovely to meet you!
