Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Fantasy Team: YA Style

So it's Football Season. And in Minnesota, where the Vikings are struggling to manage a win, the next best thing for the disillusioned fan is a Fantasy Football team.

But yeah, I don't have one of those either (probably because when I did in the past I never remembered the thing and sucked miserably).

So while everybody around me is managing their "teams", I thought I'd create one of my own. YA Style.

So who would be on my team? Well...

#1 Team Ky (Matched, Allie Condie)
While Xander seemed like a fun, sweet guy, he was the 'safe' choice for Cassia. Ky represented freedom, adventure, and a world outside the confines of the Society. I believe the best love triangles in fictions are more about the protagonist than the 2 love interests involved, and Matched does this well. I am eagerly anticipating Crossed to see where Ky and Cassia's what the future holds for them.

#2 Team Peeta (The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins)
The love triangle in this series is easily one of the most unpredictable out there. I could definitely see it going either way. I, however, found myself leaning towards the baker's son. Gale felt too "brotherly" to me.

#3 Team Damon (Vampire Diaries, The CW)
If given the choice between the high and moral guy who goes to the dark side or the bad boy with a soft side, I would choose the bad boy every time.

#4 Team Pacey (Dawson's Creek, The WB)
Similar to #3, we have the perfect guy and the flawed one. Give me the imperfection.

#5 Team Jacob (Twilight Series, Stephenie Meyer)
And it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with ABS. As I said in #1, I like love triangles that are about the protagonist. In the Twilight Series, I felt that Edward represented a cold and stagnant future for Bella. A life of repeating the same years over and over, of never aging while those around you did, of never being able to fully live. Jacob was the opposite of this. He represented warmth, growth, and everything life should be about.

"...But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." -Jacob Black

So there you have it. That's my fantasy YA team. What's yours?


  1. Oh my goodness, great team, but I can't think straight after drooling over that picture of Damian. :)

  2. I know the feeling...I only wrote this post so I could use the picture :)
