Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Random Wednesday

Did you know there are 5 Wednesdays this month? So in honor of the extra Wednesday, I'm going to post 5 extremely random facts about myself.

1. I still have my appendix. Do you care? Probably not. But, hey, I said random.

2. My wedding ring is size 4 1/2. That's on the small side. Most women's rings start at size 5. Unfortunately, my fingers are the only small thing on me.

3. I did not like pizza as a kid. What??? I know, craaazzzeee. Still not a huge fan of it now. But I will eat it.

4. Unless you follow baseball, you probably won't care about this one either, but my little brother pitched to Joe Mauer once when they were both in high school. Apparently Joe Mauer only struck out once in his high school baseball years...nope, wasn't that time. As my brother puts it, Joe hit a ball off of him "that hasn't landed yet."

5. Tomorrow I'm hosting Thanksgiving at my house. I don't usually do this. I'm a terrible cook and I've never done a turkey before. This should be fun...

Happy Turkey Day to everyone who celebrates (and Happy Thursday if you don't). And good luck to those of you eating at my place.

1 comment:

  1. Love your random facts! I also have small fingers but I have small everything to the point that all bracelets slip of my wrist and it's hard finding shoes that will not slip off my narrow feet. Good luck with Thanksgiving cooking. I'll be doing the cooking in my family too but I love cooking so I'm looking forward to it.
