Monday, November 14, 2011

My Twilight Confession

Another Monday...another confession.

In honor of that movie coming out this week, I thought I'd talk about Twilight.

Most people who have read the book either really really love it or really really hate it.

As for me, I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't want to burn the thing but I'm not burning to have Edward's (or Jacob's) babies either.

Don't get me wrong. I liked Twilight. It was entertaining. It wasn't a book I couldn't put down, but it wasn't a book I struggled to finish either. Same with next two in the series.

But then came Breaking Dawn. I have tried multiple times to read that book, but I never quite get to that point where I actually want to be reading it. Every time. I'm not sure what it is that turns me off, but somewhere usually in those first fifty or so pages, the book loses me and I set it down for days, weeks, months, years. And since I have Twihard friends who've long since filled me in on the finer plot points, thus draining any remaining urges I had to read the thing, I think it's safe to say I've given up.

Now the movie is here. I've seen (and enjoyed) the first three, but not quite sure if I'll be hitting the theaters this weekend. I'm not crazy about the two parter thing, I worry I'll miss a lot because I haven't read the book, and I'm not sure I'll even like it (based on what I do know).

So for now, little ol' me who loves all things YA and paranormal and romantic, is undecided as to whether she wants to see the beginning of the last movie of one of the biggest YA paranormal romance sagas ever. Go figure.

So what about you? Any Twilight fans not going to Breaking Dawn this weekend? Any Twilight fans like me out there who haven't read the last book?


  1. I'm in the middle with you, name twin. :)

    ...Though, I had the insane idea to do a vlog on audience demographics from the line of the midnight premiere. I don't really care about seeing the film, but the people watching? Oh, it's going to be grand. Haha

  2. I got 200 pages into the first book because a friend of mine told me it was a good book. Yep, after 200 pages I stopped reading--even though I'm OCD about finishing books. Once I got to the part about Edward finding Bella's scent the tastiest thing ever, I was done. It's not that I HATE the book, I just think vampires are disgusting. And I thought Edward's looks were too fake. Hopefully no one will kill me for saying that. =)

  3. Carrie - Good luck! The people watching should be a blast =)

    Rain - I've never been a big fan of vampires either. Maybe that's my problem...

  4. I read them all, though I found the second and fourth to be difficult to complete and I am not excited for this movie - perhaps it is the shirtless 18 year old who always shows up on screen to some weird X-rated music, or perhaps it is the way everything is tied up in a neat little bow, or maybe it is the way the series ruined vampires and werewolves for me until I read the Sookie Stackhouse series. I loved this post of yours Carrie, it is perfection!
