Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday

Road Trip Wednesday is a 'Blog Carnival' over at YA Highway where a weekly question to answer on your own blog is given out.

This Week's Question: What's your numero uno reason for writing?

Hmmm. Maybe it's...

Because I love it. Yes, I do love it. But there have been days, weeks, even months where I've hated it. Where the last thing I've wanted to do is stare at my blank computer screen.

Because I'm passionate about books. Also true. My shelves are crumbling under the weight of the books I own. I have my library card number memorized. Since the time I was a little girl, there is no store in the world I am more thrilled to walk into than a bookstore. But most days I look at the sheer overwhelming number of titles and choices and I wonder, why write? What do I have to say that hasn't already been said?

Because I want to inspire others (mainly my daughters). Oooh yes. But then there are those noninspiring days (and there are many many of those) where I'm frustrated by the latest scene or latest character or latest rejection slip. Where I'm in desperate need of a shower and living on wine and chocolate and have that crazy look in my eyes. Definitely not inspiring.

Because it makes me happy. Yeah, somedays writing makes me happy. And some days it makes me miserable, depressed, insecure, angry, and just plain crazy.

So what is the number one reason I write?

Because I have to. For me it's like breathing. It's part of who I am. No matter how hard I've tried to give it up, to walk away, I'm like a boomerang.

Me and writing...we go together.


  1. Nice post. I completely agree--I write to deal with life, to explain the unexplainable, to take the fear out of what scares me. It makes me feel whole.

  2. You've really captured what I think most writers feel at some point or another. I went through a 2 year phase of my life when I could not write like I used to. It was based on bad circumstances in my life, and it got to the point where I felt like I didn't *have* to write. That was a frightening feeling--like breaking up with true love. Thankfully we're back together again. And thanks for the post! That's numero uno for me too. =)
