Saturday, March 24, 2012

I've gone fangirl

Recognize them?

Maybe...maybe not.

It's NKOTB, or The New Kids on the Block. And when I was 14, they were the rage among my friends. My crazy eighth grade friends, who staged pretend weddings, created pretend photo albums, and lived out pretend lives where they walked around calling each other "Mrs Knight" and "Mrs McIntyre."

Where was I?

Well...probably with my head in a book. But I'd occasionally look up long enough to smile and laugh at it all. Not trying to be judgmental...I just didn't get it.

I was not a fangirl.

Flash forward twenty years.

Recognize this?

Most likely. Whether you love it or hate it, Twilight has become all the rage in recent years especially among those junior high friends of mine. They're all grown of course, with husbands and kids and busy lives. But everytime a new movie is released they find babysitters, dress up, and stand in lines for hours to see the midnight premiere. And they come back the next day. And the weekend after. And they buy t-shirts, posters, CDs, and stand in even more lines to get the DVDs the night they are released.

Where am I?

Well...probably buried in my writing. But I occasionally look up long enough to smile and laugh at it all. Once again, not trying to be judgmental...I enjoyed Twilight. I just don't get the obsession.

I am not a fangirl.

Flashforward to yesterday...

I may or may not have taken off work for the Hunger Games premiere which I bought tickets for in February. I may or may not have waited in the movie theater last night for nearly three hours until the movie started. I may or may not went to see the movie again later that afternoon.

Okay I did all of that...and more. And for once I finally get it.

I think I'm becoming a fangirl.

What about you? What do you go 'crazy' for?


  1. I go crazy for the silliest things. Like TMNT (although I'm a little concerned to have Micheal Bay at the helm, but I'll reserve judgement).
    Or silly anime (Loved Avatar the last Airbender, the movie was incredibly horrid).

    Oh, and I'm a bit geeked out about Hunger Games right now...

    1. Rena - Love TMNT and Avatar the Last Airbender (cartoon obviously)! Did you know there is a new chapter coming out April 14th called Legend of Korra? You can check out the first two episodes here,

    2. I'm excited about the new TMNT too (well maybe not Hunger Games crazy...). I haven't seen the Last Airbender movie and I'm thinking I'll probably keep it that way—I've heard over and over again how awful it is.

  2. Lucky lucky girl, getting to see it twice!

    Well I'm a fangirl of about a zillion things…ok not really but here are a few.

    Twilight (yes I know), Hunger Games, Superhero movies, Avatar the Last Airbender (cartoon) and I just found out there is a new chapter coming out *squee*, Julie Halpern & Stephanie Perkins books (AMAZING!), Once Upon a Time & Downton Abbey, Carrie Bastyr (yes that is you), books in general (obviously), and my boys!

  3. Hey Twilight's good with me (I just didn't go crazy like most of my friends). I love most of those things too...maybe I'm more fangirl than I though. Ha ha.
