Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Friday!

Yea! Friday, finally here, and I couldn't be happier!

And now for what made this week awesome...

1. New books!

2. Blog posts I Loved!

3. Wonderful Readers!

Thank you for the amazing comments and suggestions left on Hating my WIP. Special thanks to Rena for her carrot and stick suggestion. So, putting it to use,

4. Change Write Now!

Nearly done with the first week and I'd say I did pretty good. Part of the challenge was to give up one bad habit, so I gave up the daily diet coke. I was addicted to the daily. Tough the first few days (talk about caffeine withdrawal), but getting better. And I haven't slipped...despite the can in our fridge.

5. Cover Reveal! 

Gennifer Albin's cover reveal for Crewel is supposed to happen today. I am beyond excited. This book is one of my most anticipated reads for 2012. If you haven't heard of it, check it out here.

6. Giveaway!

My giveaway for Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver is still going on. Also come vote between Partials by Dan Wells and Bewitching by Alex Flinn for next week's giveaway. As of this posting, I think Partials is in the lead, but it's close.

7. Weekend Plans!

Writing and lots of it. I'm taking Rena's advice and giving myself a carrot (and a stick). I'm letting my family, my friends, and the blogging world know...I will not be going to the Hunger Games movie next Friday unless the draft is done. And anyone who knows me, knows I've been counting down the days until March 23rd for a long, long, long time. I bought my tickets back in February. I took the day off work. Darn it, I will not miss that movie.

So this weekend I will do nothing but write.

Hope you all have a good one!


  1. lol, I'm giggling over your HG love. That's why there were HG questions in your tag. ;)
    You can do it!

  2. OMG, WRITE! I'm sooooooo excited about the Hunger Games Movie! I'm working furiously to line up a babysitter (wish me luck there!). And I am so hoping that you get to celebrate with an awesome movie (the premiers are all saying awesome stuff about it: SQUEEEEE!). Okay, I'll go back to being a calm cool collected adult....

    Hunger Games

    hunger games...

    okay, I might be normal now... maybe...

    1. I'm right there with you! I'm think I'm more excited than my 14-year-old (and she loves HG).

      Fingers crossed you get a babysitter!

  3. I can just imagine you sitting there, with your fingers flying across the keyboard while chanting…HUNGER GAMES, HUNGER GAMES, HUNGER GAMES! So sad I won't get to make the premier so you HAVE to go for me…and also tell me if it is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!
