Friday, February 17, 2012

21 Questions

Just a few days into the campaign (for me anyways) and I'm already "it" several times over in the 11 Questions game going around. Growing up I was always the slow kid on the playground who was easy to tag so this is eerily familiar to me.

I'm planning to answer all the great questions, just not all in one post (I don't want you to get sick of me). So for now here are the questions from my first two tags.

These are from Sarah over at The Trewand Pen.

1. What setting best describes you?
Where I live in the good ol' Midwest. I don't stand out like a big city. I lack the beauty of the mountains and the drama of the oceans. But if you stick around long enough, you'll find I'm not that bad.

2. What was your favorite childhood book?
I Decided by Miss Frances. There's a girl in the book who goes shopping with her mom and must decide between a toy, a doll, and a book. She picks the book. Smart girl :)

3. What genre(s) do you write?
Young Adult. I would like to give MG a try too.

4. Besides reading and writing what are at least two of your favorite pastimes?
There's more to life than reading and writing???? Really??? playing Bejeweled and watching Vampire Diaries count as pastimes?

5. What is the coolest/strangest thing you've ever done?
A few years ago while on a cruise in the Caribbean a waterspout hit our ship. My husband and I watched the whole thing from our balcony. It only knocked around some deck chairs and dropped a lot of water, but after living in the midwest all my life where I'm used to the constant storm warnings all summer long, I find it ironic I had to travel over 2000 miles to finally see a tornado up close.

6. Whose writing inspires you the most and why?
I don't think I can pick just one. From Laura Ingalls Wilder to Stephen King to my kids, I have been inspired by so many.

If any character from any book could be your best friend, who would it be?
Luna Lovegood.

8. What is your favorite book/author/tv show?
Book - The Bible/Author - JK Rowling/TV Show - Roswell

9. If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?
Drive around by myself in the car, go visit my friends and family and move stuff general I'd try to freak everybody out.

10. What famous person (dead or alive) do you consider a role model for your own aspirations?
I can't just pick one. I'm a sucker for stories of authors who never gave up...John Grisham, Shirley Jump, JK Rowling, Kathryn Stockett

11. Is there anything else we should know about you?
I like syrup on my eggs

The next set of questions are from Julie Daines.

1. Hero or Villain?
Hero...because you know they're gonna win.

2. What is your least favorite part of writing?
The first draft. Seriously hate it. Everything comes out like verbal vomit (and I hate vomit).

3. Who has influenced your writing the most?
My family

4. What is your favorite climate?
Warm and sunny and no snow!!! Oh why do I live in Minnesota?!

5. What kind of stories do you love?
Stories that make me laugh or cry (or both!). The ones I can't put down, am sad to finish, and I find myself thinking about long after I read the last page.

6. What kind of stories do you hate?
Stories I can't relate to. Stories I can't get into or lose myself in.

7. If you wrote an autobiography, what would it be called?
Random Craziness

8. If you could put yourself in any book, which would it be?
Any of the Chronicles of Narnia books.

9. If you could time travel, where in time would you go?
To 2015, well the 2015 in Marty McFly's timeline. I want flying cars...and a hoverboard.

10. What is your favorite TV show?
Currently Airing - Once Upon A Time. Long Gone - Roswell.

I will post my questions and tag everybody and then some back in my next post. Now to come up with some questions that nobody has asked yet...


  1. Fun answers!! Stopping by from the campaign!!

  2. Hello from another Minnesota campaigner!

  3. Love your answers Carrie! Can't wait to see your answers to mine!

  4. From the first paragraph you made me LOL! From campaigning and Bejeweled to cruising and getting tagged a whole lot - we have so much in common!!! I'm so exciting we're in the same Campaign group :) *passes chocolate*

    1. Yea! Glad to know I'm not the only 'slow' one. Thanks for the chocolate :)

  5. syrup on your eggs is just wrong. :) visiting from the campaign.

    1. Ha ha. My family agrees with you! Nice to meet you!

  6. How fun!I really enjoyed reading your answers!
    I think my mom also likes syrup on her eggs, I don´t quite get it.
    *waves from the campaign*

    1. Hi Elodie,

      Yeah my family and friends don't get it either. Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet you!

  7. Oh my goodness! Mattel is making a Hoverboard!
    Here's the article. Great answers!

  8. I like to put a fried egg on top of my waffles and pour syrup over them. YUM!
    I'm waving at you from the Campaign and looking forward to getting to know you better. I love the background on your blog.

  9. I love Bejeweled! I always sort of forget about it and then when I remember I waste HOURS. :)

    Popping by from the campaign! Look forward to knowing you better!

  10. Hi! Stopping by from the campaign. I agree about the verbal vomit :)

  11. I enjoyed reading your answers to these questions. We have much in common...not the least of which is the appreciation for the color pink, liking syrup on eggs, and enthusiasm for writing. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'll see you around the campaign!
