Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Great Big Post of Questions

This time of year is always crazy in our house. My daughters' birthdays are 4 weeks apart and the majority of those weeks happen in February. And most of their friends seem to have birthdays in February too. And several of my friends welcomed little newborns this month.

So it's been birthdays and babies, and babies and birthdays.

And then on Saturday, I turned on my computer to see this...

So I texted my IT brother for help and he responded with this...

(and now you know how my First Campaign Challenge idea came about)

So needless to say between all the planning and parties and broken computers, I got a little behind on answering questions for all the tags I received.

So to catchup here are all 55 questions...

This set of questions is from Daisy at Fresh as A Daisy.

  1. Favorite villain and why? Cruella Deville because her hair is cool
  2. What's the last book you read? Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
  3. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why? 1996 to tell a few loved ones how much they mean to me before it's too late.
  4. Would you rather have an unlimited gift card to your favorite bookstore OR a publishing contract but never be allowed to read any other books? Give me the gift card.
  5. If you were an animal, what would you be? A cat so I could sleep all day.
  6. What's your very first memory? Reading the Little House books with my Aunt (she was only 5 years older than me so we grew up more like sisters)
  7. Suzanne Collins, JK Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Neil Gaiman, Judy Blume and John Green call. They all want you to come to their house for dinner, but all on the same night. Whose dinner invitation do you accept? All of them...we'll just have to move dinner to my house.
  8. You discover a planet. What do you name it? Pluto The Sequel
  9. What world/nation/city/place from a book would you most like to visit? Hogwarts.
  10. Here's a million dollars. How would you spend it? *note, I said spend. It's a fantasy! No saving!* Books, books, and more books.
  11. On which reality TV contest or gameshow would you be a contestant? Wheel of Fortune so I can spin the wheel.

And these are from Gina at This is Not Your Blog

1. What was the greatest live music experience you've ever had? Casting Crowns as the Iowa State Fair last year.
2. What was your worst date ever? The one where we joined up with his friends and went to a graveyard with a Ouija board.
3. If money is no object, what would your dream vacation be? A cruise around the world.
4. Would you rather live in a crowded city or small town? Small town.
5. Would you be willing to murder one innocent person if you knew it would guarantee an end to all world hunger? much as I'd love to end world hunger I don't think I could ever murder somebody.
6. When did you last cry in front of somebody (who is not your partner)? Friday
7. Would you be willing to endure night terrors- every night- for the rest of your life if you were given vast personal wealth to use however you wish in exchange? No I value my sleep too much.
8. If you could choose the manner of your death- but not the timing- what would you choose? Something quick and abrupt that I didn't have time to dwell on.
9. Would you rather switch back to black and white TV with only five channels, or no internet? Black and White TV
10. If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt somebody, would you do it? Ha ha...maybe
11. What if the voodoo doll was only able to annoy them tremendously (for example: causes pervasive itching of genitals while in public, causes slight ringing in ears at nighttime, etc), would you do it? Ha ha...probably...hell yes!

And this set of questions is from Jenna at Finding the Write Way

  1. Redvines or Twizzlers? Twizzlers
  2. With your iPod/MP3 on shuffle, what's the first song that comes up? Justin Bieber Down to Earth (Don't judge - I share an iTunes account with my daughters)
  3. What's your least favorite book you ever had to read for school? To Kill A Mockingbird
  4. You're the producer for turning any one book into a movie, which do you choose to do? Divergent
  5. What's your favorite youtube video? I don't know...maybe one of those funny ones with kids and their dogs..
  6. Who did you look up to when you were thirteen years old? my grandparents
  7. Which food do you wish you could rid the planet of? Girl Scout Cookies (because they are too addicting)
  8. Why did you decide to start blogging? To get over my shyness
  9. Do you cry over books/movies/TV shows? All the time
  10. What's one thing you believe in with all your heart? God
  11. Flowers or chocolate? Chocolate

And this set of questions comes from W. Chaser

1. If you could be any fictional baddie who would you be and why? I'm still going with Cruella Deville because of her hair.

2. If you could go back in time and stop someone being born who would it be? Hitler

3. When do you get your most inspirational ideas? In the shower

4. If you had to live without either books or music, which would it be? Music

5. Who provides the most encouragement for your writing? My husband

6. If you could have one wish, what would it be? To be published

7. Do you remember your dreams and do they influence your writing? Sometimes and yes (when I do remember them)

8. What word do you frequently misspell? Separate...I always want to go with seperate

9. How much influence in your writing do you take from other people’s opinions? I try to take enough to make my writing stronger but not so much that I lose what makes it mine

10. If there is one book you wish you’d written, what is it? Well at the immediate moment it's Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood since I just finished Book 1 and I'd really like to know what happens next.

11. Starter or Dessert? Dessert

And these questions come from one of my favorite CPs Amber at amberafterglow

1. Pantser or Planner? About 70% Planner, 29% Pantser, 1% WTF-This-may-have-been-written-after-drinking-alcohol.
2. Favorite book, movie, and TV show?
Book-The Bible, Movie-The Lion King, TV Show-Roswell
3. Would you rather have free Starbucks for five years or free itunes for life? iTunes (I spend way more there than at Starbucks)
4. What inspires you more, music or visual (ie: photography, scenery, etc)? Music!!!!!
5. Are you also addicted to Pinterest? Not yet...haven't quite figured it out.
6. The question for the ages, Edward or Jacob? Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or to be able to speak and understand any language? Speak and understand any language.
8. Would you rather be kidnapped by terrorists or abducted by aliens? Aliens (after all they may be cute..see favorite TV show)
9. What is the genre(s) that you write for? Young Adult
10. *Warning stolen question* If money were no object, where would your dream vacation take place? Cruise around the world
11. Did you cry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two? Was one of the times when Dumbledore asked Severus, "After all this time?" and Severus responded, "Always. " And if not, are you sure you have a soul? Yes...I think I bawled through most of that movie.

And the last (but not least) set of questions is from Rena over at Doctor Faerie Godmother

1.If your luggage got lost on vacation, would it ruin your vacation? No because I'd have an excuse to buy new clothes.
2. If you could publish any of your trunked novels right now, no questions asked, which one and why? Um, none of them because they are really, really bad.
3. Who is your hero? Who is your villain? Hero - my husband :) Villain - the insecure voice in my head!
4. Speaking of Villains, who is your all time favorite villain? Hair aside (ahem Cruella Deville), I will go with Voldemort this time for his neverending persistence.
5. Disneyland or DisneyWorld? Never been to Disneyland so I'll have to go with Disney World.
6. If someone told you that a book you hated writing would go on to be a bestseller for months, but in the mean time you had to rewrite it another 6 times, would you? Rewrite it...I just may fall in love with it during the process. Sometimes the best loves started out hating each other.
7. Kirk or Picard? (and I meant he Shatner Kirk. The Chris Pine Kirk is a whole new creature).Kirk
8. What was your favorite book in high school? The Talisman by Stephen King
9. Is there anything about your life that you would change? Nope
10. You are offered an opportunity at true immortality, do you take it? No
11. What is the hardest thing you have ever done in your life? My youngest had multiple health issues with her kidneys that let to a rather involved surgery when she was 4. There were a lot of options and alternatives and it was tough to always try to decide which would be the path for her.

If you're still reading, thanks for sticking around! And thanks to all the lovely bloggers who tagged me with such awesome (and sometimes difficult) questions. I must come up with some of my own.


  1. Love your answers Carrie! Can't wait to see what questions you come up with! How's the writing going this week?

  2. It was great getting to know you better.

    Lol at your brother's response, but yikes at the blue screen of death. My heart stops for a bit when I see it.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of questions, lol. The blue screen of death is frightening. Good thing you have someone to turn to. I just cry. Luckily I haven't seen it much in my lifetime. :)
