Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Dream Launcher

A few weeks ago I received what I think is the coolest award ever.

The Dream Launcher Award.

The brainchild of Rena over at Doctor Faerie Godmother, the Dream Launcher was created to thank those who made a big difference in their blogging and/or writing world.

The Rules: Well there are none. This is an award to keep, pass on, or do nothing with.

However, I have many wonderful bloggers who have been soooo supportive along the way that I need to pass this on. So, a big heartfelt thank you to...

Amber at amberafterglow
Jenn Baker-Henry at  A Baker With An Appetite For Writing
Nicole at Ink & Prose
Sarah at Latte Tea Dah
Rain at Rain-on Sentence
Julie Fedderson at Gypsy in my soul
Carrie Butler at So, You're A Writer
Rena at Doctor Faerie Godmother

Some of you were my first blog visitors who not only left encouraging comments, but came back. Some of you have read my work and offered amazing feedback that has pushed and challenged me to grow and learn. Some of you are awesome cheerleaders whose enthusiasm and encouragement means more to me than you'll ever know. Some of you are all of these things and more.

So now this award is yours to do (or not do) what you will with it.

Happy Leap Year Everybody!


  1. Congrats on the award, and a big THANK YOU for passing it on to me! You are amazing, as a person and a writer, and the above paragraph pretty much sums up how I feel about you! I literally don't know what I'd do without you!

  2. Thanks a bunch, Carrie! Hope all is going well with the writing and campaigning! I've been awful and hope to visit blogs and sites more! I love connecting with people.

    Thanks for the award! I'll make sure to do my duty and pass on. :-)
