Friday, August 19, 2011

Why I've been Incognito

So I haven't posted on here in like a week ...tsk..tsk..

But so much has been going on.

First this awesome, wonderful, fabulous thing called WriteOnCon happened. And in case you haven't heard of it, WriteOnCon is a three day online writer's conference. Oh yeah, it was completely free too.

If you missed the event, it's not too late. Head over to their website and you can still find the articles, videos, and chat transcripts with loads of advice from agents, editors, and authors.

Since I have a day job, I spent most of my evenings this week cramming it all in to stay caught up. Writing, blogging, and even the everyday chores (thank you sweet husband for cooking dinner each night) were ignored.

But I learned so much! I'm overflowing with new inspiration and ideas and can't wait to dig back into my WIP.

Then today I woke up to this in my e-mail box...

After several long moments of screaming and jumping up and down, the fear hit. Access to Pottermore today of all days. Not a good thing for me. It could might possibly definitely would drench the fire WriteOnCon had kindled.

I am a writer, and I love to write, but I can sooooooo easily be distracted.

And Pottermore....irresistible.

As I read and re-read my e-mail this morning, those new shiny WriteOnCon-inspired ideas ran through my head.

So what would it be this weekend? What would win my time? daughter...

Yeah the 13-year-old child of mine who also registered the same night I did. The one who refreshes her e-mail twice every hour. The one who follows the Pottermore blog religiously. The one who is the reason I ever read the books in the first place. The one who didn't get an e-mail today.

And yes, she won (my Pottermore account, that is).

Now she's spending the weekend at Hogwarts, while I'll be the muggle with my butt in the chair and my fingers on the keyboard.

Happy Writing!


  1. Aww, that was so nice of you. :) I'm glad to hear you had fun with WriteonCon, though. I loved it this year!

  2. Well, as they say, the write thing. But still, I bet you'll get your chance on pottermore too. I barely got to see much of write on con, but it was awesome. Maybe next year I'll be able to make this silly thing work for me.

  3. Just wanted you to know...I check in and I read...M from Cleveland
