Monday, July 25, 2011

Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall...

When my husband and I were newlyweds, one of our biggest disagreements was on how to cook spaghetti. I grew up with a mother who broke the noodles in half before cooking. He grew up with one who didn't. Somehow during our 'discussion', he also informed me I needed to throw a noodle at the wall to see if it was completely cooked.

At the time, I had never heard this. And no, I didn't try it that night (or any night since), and I can't say I believe my mother-in-law has either.

But I've certainly felt like I've been throwing spaghetti at the wall. Especially this week.

Right now I'm in the beginning stages of my next project. I've written a few random scenes, brainstormed various plot lines, and have several pages filled with notes and drawings.

But mostly I've been throwing noodles at the wall, one by one, in hopes that one of them will stick.


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