Friday, July 8, 2011

Music to My Ears

I'm not one for putting myself 'out there'.

It's easy to talk about wanting to write. A little harder to actually sit down and start writing. Even harder to commit to it day after day until you reach the end. But to take that leap and send your writing out into the world...

Harder than harder than hard..

In the past few weeks I've started this blog, I'm attempting twitter, and I even sent out my first query letters. I can't even begin to describe the sick, nauseous feeling I get everytime I press "send", or the way my heart drops when my phone "pings" to let me know I have a new e-mail.

Getting through this past week has required a lot of wine, chocolate

Here are 3 songs that I've been listening to this week:

One: I have 2 daughters who love this TV show. And when my daughters love something, they watch it a lot. And I hear the same music over and over again. Like when they loved Barney, I could sing "I love you" with the best of them, and when they loved the Wiggles I pranced around the house singing "Don't Bite your Friends."

These days the songs that get lodged in my head are a little more boy bandish, such as "Worldwide", "Famous", and this one...

Two: Hello 80s. Cheesy Hair. Cheesy Clothes. Cheesy Video. Love the lyrics.

Three: If my life had a theme song, this would be it.

As much as I love these songs, they're getting a little overplayed. I could use some new suggestions. What songs motivate you to keep going despite all odds?

1 comment:

  1. One very good thing to keep in mind...I haven't seen you bite one single friend since your Wiggles phase. :)
