Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012...

I spent December 31, 2011 the same way I spent December 31, 2010. At home in my pajamas eating homemade pizza and drinking cheap champagne while celebrating the demise of another year with my family, board games, and watching a ball drop.

It was almost like nothing had changed.


A year ago...

I had not shared a single word of my writing with anybody.
I would have never shared on a public internet site...such as this blog.
Rejection would've destroyed me.
Nobody outside of my immediate family and my mother were aware of the 'writing thing'.
I referred to writing as 'the writing thing'.
I was afraid to do anything more than lurk on a writing message board, and forget online classes, writing groups, or conferences.
I would have never walked into a bookstore to buy a book about (gulp) writing.
I did not refer to myself a Writer.

365 days later, and not one thing on the above list is true anymore. With every word I wrote, every new obstacle I overcame, every hurtle I've jumped over the past year I've grown into the writer and person I am now. Braver, stronger, and even more persistant...and I like that. Sure, I still have a long long long way to go and so much to learn, but I'm looking forward to 2012 and the new challenges and experiences that lie ahead.

So Hello 2012...


  1. That's awesome! 2012 is going to be a great year for you. :) Happy New Year!

  2. Good for you!! That growth and maturity is what will pull you through, and it's a real writer that keeps learning with each new challenge.

  3. Hooray for progress! :) Happy New Year, Carrie!

  4. I was the same! If I told my last year's self that I was blogging and on social media--I think I would've laughed :)
    Happy new year Carrie!

  5. Yea Carrie....but I already knew that you were awesome!

  6. Finally 2012 is here. wish you good luck and may all your desires come true


  7. @Coleen Patrick Ha! Glad to know I'm not the only one :)
    @Amber Clites Thanks Amber! You are such a great CP and cheerleader and definitely one of the greatest things I got out of 'coming out of my shell' in 2011 :)

    @Gentech Thanks! Same to you!
