Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Writer's Platform-Building Campaign: Challenge #1

So as part of Rachael Harrie's Writer's Campaign, we were given this challenge:

Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “The door swung open” These four words will be included in the word count.

If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), use the same beginning words and end with the words: "the door swung shut." (also included in the word count)

For those who want an even greater challenge, make your story 200 words EXACTLY!

Well I read some brilliant, creative, amazingly awesome stories by fellow campaigners today, and I know my story is nowhere near as delightful (I did have a little trouble getting my door to swing open). But hey, I did make exactly 200 words, and I had fun!

The Path

The door swung open. Stones embedded into the ground formed a path that stretched out in front of me. Gliding across grassy hills like a speckled ribbon it disappeared into the blackness of a thick forest. I glimpsed the path again beyond the trees as it wound it’s way up a mountain to a peak obscured by misty clouds.

My eyes fell back to the stones just beyond the threshold of the door. I lifted my foot prepared to move forward, when a sound froze the muscles in my legs. Thunder rumbled in the distance and I raised my eyes to the sky watching black clouds gather on the horizon, piercing bolts of lightning striking the ground.

I lifted my foot again, ready for that step, when a gust of wind tore across the path, filling my ears with a mind-numbing roar and whipping my hair across my face. I dropped my foot and glanced back longingly into the room behind me. My eyes fell on the warmth of the fire and the softness of the couch.

Breathing deeply, I faced the path with a racing heart and sweaty palms.

I lifted my foot… and the door swung shut.


  1. I'm in the Beginner Bloggers group with you and wanted to stop by and comment. I had a heck of a time putting anything into 200 words - but, I agree, it was fun. I like what you wrote. I like your style of writing - it flows well, for me. Congrats on completing the challenge!

  2. nicely done. I like the pacing of this piece.

  3. I like the imagery you provided. I love how earthy it is. Great job!

  4. I laughed because I walk 6 days a week. I have a walking partner who doesn't let me shut that door. Nice.

  5. I enjoyed reading this, very nice.

  6. Something happens every time a foot lifts. LOL Good take on the prompt

  7. Beautiful imagery throughout this piece!

  8. I could totally see your setting. Flowed well, had a good voice, and uses the senses effectively. An all around good read.

    Great job, Carrie! Following. :)

  9. I walk everyday but there are an awful lot of those days that i look longingly back at my room. Nicely done. I'm #72

  10. So, was this just about dreading the walk in the weather? Or is there something else out there? I like this.

    BTW, I like your Good Reads Reading Challenge Widget so much that I copied you and added one to my blog too!

  11. Thanks everybody for your kind comments! I'm still working my way through all of the amazing stories.

    Marcy - yes it is more than just a walk....for shy little ol' me it's about fear - putting myself out there in that big bad scary world when I want to stay in my safe little cocoon (which is kind of how I felt when I wrote this).

  12. Amazing details. You set such a scene and left me wanting more. Bravo!

  13. The writing is beautiful. Truly poetic. Congratulations, you have made the first "cut" and are moving on to the second round.

  14. Hi Carrie! Love your imagery, especially liked "Gliding across grassy hills like a speckled ribbon"--great job!

  15. I enjoyed your post. A great read!

  16. Awesome story! I love how it was about more than just going for a walk. Sometimes the world beyond our our doorstep can be so scary!
