Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Friday. Finally.

I have been anticipating this weekend for a while now.


Well...besides dinner out for the husband's birthday (Happy Birthday Husband!), breakfast with my little brother, and finding out whether I'm having a niece or nephew next winter, I have no plans!!!

So I will be writing. And writing. And writing.

And for little ol' introverted me, I couldn't be happier.

That's all I've got. Happy Writing!


  1. Best type of weekend EVER. My favourite sorts. I've had a trip to the Ren Faire planned for months, but all I want to do is stay home and write.

    Have fun!

  2. Happy birthday to the Hubs! I have a gift for you, too--I gave you the Blog on Fire award today! Pass it on to a few bloggers you love if you get a break in that writing schedule.

  3. @K.T. Yea! Glad I'm not the only one who would rather stay home and write all weekend!

    @julie. Thanks for the award! I will pass it on.
