Wednesday, June 29, 2011

HOURGLASS by Myra McEntire

When I first heard about this book a few months ago, it flew to the top of my TBR list. I've always loved anything with time travel and pretty covers, and this had both.

And then I learned it came out on June 14th. Problem.

I had planned our family vacation from June 9th through June 20th. Now this vacation was a road trip.  We drove from Minnesota, to Ohio, to Washington D.C., back to Ohio, and then home again. Lots of driving.  Lots of time in a car.  And since the husband doesn't like my driving, it usually means a lot of reading time for me.  I had several good books ready for me to devour on my Kindle.

But I really wanted to read THIS one.

So I did something I usually don't do and pre-ordered the book from Amazon.

Problem solved.  Or, so I thought.

On the morning of June 14th, I woke up with a smile and fired up my Kindle.  Then I learned that the Washington D.C. hotel we were staying at did not have free Wi-Fi. And my Kindle did not have 3G. And the cost to use the hotel's Wi-Fi was as much as the book itself.

So I had to wait. But it was worth it. And here are seven reasons why:

  1. The Cover. Okay, okay, you shouldn't just a book by its cover, but when it comes to Hourglass I say you should. The cover is beautiful and unique - like the story itself.
  2. The Romance. Sparks flying. Kissing. More sparks. More kissing. Lots of sparks. Lots of kissing.
  3. The Time Travel. Since Jude Deveraux swept me away with A Knight in Shining Armor, I have read every time travel type romance book I can get my hot little fingers on. I thought I had read it all. Until Hourglass that is. The unique spin definitely sets it apart from other time travel novels. Loved it.
  4. The Relationships. Maybe it's because I have a brother of my own that I love dearly, but I really loved the scenes with Emerson and her brother, Thomas.
  5. The Heroine. Emerson says early on that her "edit button is broken".  I loved that line!  I also love people like Emerson, who tell it like they see it. Emerson was strong, witty, and easy to relate to.
  6. The Chapter Length. The chapters are short.I kept telling myself one night "just one more chapter--it's short after all- until I found myself finishing the book at 3 a.m. I love books that keep me up all night (although my body would disagree the next day).
  7. More!  Although I found the ending quite satisfying, there is going to be a sequel. I can't wait to read what happens with Emerson and Michael next.


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