Monday, August 20, 2012

Be Inspired

So I got tagged twice in the Be Inspired meme.

First by one of my amazing CPs, Heather, who not only is one of the most sweetest and supportive writer friends I have ever known, but she writes about hot guys named Dylan and motorcyle kissing. Motorcycle kissing!

I also was tagged by Melissa Brady King, who writes some of the awesomest posts ever. Like on writing beginnings, her analysis of YA deals, and the perfect drinking game for revising.

Thanks girls, for the kick in the-post-on-your-blog pants.

So, without further ado, be inspired...

1. What is the name of your book? Starry Knight

2. Where did the idea for your book come from? Ooooh I wish I had a good story for this. Like it came on a train ride or in a dream. But no, not really. I was in the midst of a YA fantasy that was getting really, really weird. I mean really weird. I had this scene idea about a lonely girl and a beach and a shooting star. And well, that emerged into Starry Knight.

3. In what genre would you classify your book?
Technically I would call it a Sci-fi Fantasy Love Story. But since that genre really doesn't exist...I go with Sci-fi Romance or Contemporary Fantasy

4. If you had to pick actors to play your characters in a movie rendition of your book, who would you choose? I'm not good at this stuff, but I've always been partial to Jared Padalecki for Adam, Alex Pettyfer as Zane, Asher Book as Declan, and oddly enough Avril Lavigne without makeup as Sage.

5. Give us a one sentence synopsis of your book.'s about fallen stars, and kissing, and Lake Superior, and kissing...

6. Is your book already published? Bahahahahahahaha. That would be a no.

7. How long did it take you to write your book? Almost 2 years...oh wow. I started it in in October of 2010 and finished the first draft in March of 2011. I revised for 4 months and sent out queries in July of 2011. Got LOTS and LOTS of rejections and was ready to trunk the thing, until one fabulous agent happened to tell me that while it was a fabulous story, it sadly was not fabulous writing. This was November 2011. So I spent the next four months studying the craft. I read dozens and dozens of books, took several kickbutt classes, and even attended my first writing conference. I hooked up with some amazing writers and became part of an awesome critique group (ahem...see right sidebar). In April, I rewrote the whole thing. May, June, July, and part of August were spent revising and revising and revising. And as of today, my little MS is back out in the big, bad world ready to sink or swim. And after a short break to catch up on tons of reading (which means more giveaways soon...squee!) and sleeping, I am so ready to finally be moving on to the next shiny idea.

8. What other books within your genre would you compare it to? (Or, readers of which books would enjoy yours?) Everybody immediately compares it to Stardust. To be honest, I have never read Stardust or seen the movie. It was one of my CPs who first brought it up. So of course I run to google and I'm like whoah this book looks so much cooler than mine. But hey, after reading the synopsis and watching movie clips, I can confidently say that my book is more I Am Number Four than it is Stardust.

9. Which authors inspired you to write this book? Can I say all of those fabulous YA writers out there??? Maybe Nicholas Sparks, since my book isn't for people who like happy all the time.

10. Tell us anything that might pique our interest in your book? That ultimately my book is about a girl, who learns that the only person she can "save" in life is herself.

And now my turn to tag...

Amber at amberafterglow
Rena at Doctor Faerie Godmother
Jennifer Baker-Henry
Melissa Hurst

And if you're reading this and would like to join in, consider yourself tagged! Just leave a link in the comments so I can go check out your book! :)


  1. Don't you love it when a book starts out a an idea for a single scene?! My newest WIP, a dystopian, started out as a vivid image for an opening scene. I thought - Wow. Now I need to come up with a plot to go with that. LOL xD

    Great post! :)

  2. I love how hard you worked on this book! I think it's seriously inspiring that you put in all the work on it, studied the craft, and wrote it again. Can't wait to read it! Very soon... :)
