Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's the first Wednesday which means time for another meeting of Alex J. Cavanaugh's ISWG.

This month, I thought I'd steal from Rena over at Doctor Faerie Godmother, and take a moment to appreciate my crit partners.

I don't know about you, but there is nothing that can set off my insecurities like an e-mail back from one of my CPs. They have there own special folder in my e-mail account, and whenever I see the (1) pop-up next to it, knowing I recently sent off some beloved piece I slaved over, my hands start sweating and my stomach starts turning. I'm usually biting my tongue and squinting my eyes when I open up the e-mail. What if they say it sucks? What if it just says 'WTF'? 

I don't know why I get like this because once I manage to pry my eyes completely open, all I find are helpful comments full of amazing insight and wisdom. My CPs have all been wonderful—full of great questions and suggestions that have encourage and challenged me to dig deeper and take my writing to a new level.

So to Amber, Nicole, Jenn, and Rena for your awesome feedback. And to my 'Margie' EPs Elise, Jenn, and Carlene. Thank you!  


  1. I agree, encouraging words from a CP makes all the difference.

  2. Always happy to read your stuff, Carrie! It's my pleasure and thank YOU for all your help with my own mess of a novel.

    And congrats on the Write Campaign win! I just Tweeted that I think it's funny I'll be sending you a prize. I couldn't think of someone who deserves a giftcard more! :-)

    1. Thanks Jenn!!

      You are a huge help. And it is funny (but cool) that I won a prize for you :)

  3. Awe Carrie! I don't think anyone is unaware how much I appreciate having you as a CP! My work is only better because of you, so THANK YOU too!

    1. Aww thanks!

      And thanks to you not just for your feedback, but for your continuous encouragement and support!!!

  4. Happy to read. I actually learn so much about writing when I read other people's work. So it's been a pleasure.

    1. So true! It's amazing (and frustrating) how I can see issues in other people's work and be soooo blind to my own!

  5. You've been tagged in The Lucky 7 Meme's!

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