Monday, November 21, 2011

Being Thankful

Happy Monday!!!

Instead of a confession this week, I thought with Turkey Day just a mere 72 hours away, I would list a three things I'm sooo thankful for this year.

1. My brother. This tops the list this year for me. See a year ago we weren't even talking. A little over ten years ago our family was ripped apart in a bitter divorce and unfortunately our relationship was damaged in the fallout. But with a little hope, forgiveness, and the faith of a mustard seed, last spring thinks changed radically. Now we barely go three weeks without meeting up for breakfast. I heart my brother. They say that the person you have the most years with in life is not your parents, children, or spouse. It's your siblings. So hang on to yours!

2. My family. There have been some ups and downs (like always) this year, but we've made it to November relatively unscathed and healthy. And I couldn't be more thankful!

3. Babies!!! Lots of joyful news over the past few months means lots of new little lives beginning in 2012. Some of these blessings come after years of heartbreaking infertility, one little is the light so desperately needed after a family's tragic loss, and one bouncing baby boy will be calling me Auntie. I am so excited for all the new moms!!! And have I mentioned how much I love to shop for baby clothes.

So, what are you thankful for this year?


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